By road:

Poitiers is located on the Paris-Bordeaux axis (national 10 and A10 motorway) By the A10, Paris is 330 km away, Bordeaux 220 km, La Rochelle 130 km, Tours 100 km. By the National Roads, Limoges is 120 km away, Nantes is 180 km away, Lyon 550 km.

By train:

TGV Atlantique (station in the city centre) : Poitiers – Paris Montparnasse : 1h20

Poitiers – Bordeaux: 1h17

Poitiers – La Rochelle: 1h20.

By plane:

Poitiers – Toulouse (2 daily A/R), Poitiers – Lyon (2 daily A/R), Poitiers – Tours, Poitiers – Clermond-Ferrand. Poitiers – London (5 flights per week including weekends) For further information call the toll-free number: 080030303041

In Poitiers:

Take the direction of the University Campus “Faculty of Sciences” avenue Jacques Coeur (route de Limoges), You arrive at the PBS (Pôle Biologie Santé)

Campus map downloadable here: Poitiers-campus


Plan Campus

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